Our History
After more than a decade of research, we can now solve real problems, everywhere.
Innovation from Lund University
With over a decade of research at the Physics department at Lund University within the field of laser-based diagnostics - we have an innovation which opens up for new ways of spectrophotometry. The innovation was granted the Proof of concept grant from the European Research council.
Prototyping since 2019
Since the idea of Spec-Imaging, prototyping in a garage in Eslöv Sweden set the foundation for the company which then was founded during 2020 as the first patent was filed.
Spec-Imaging is formed
Stena New Ventures join as strategic investors
and Mellby Gård with Feralco joins as new strategic owners during October
The team of 2 FTE kicks-off the year...
and Spec-Imaging is granted a 2 year Vinnova project together with Lund University and NSVA
The team grows with another 2 FTE...